Shamrock Songs

Just Lisa  

In A Mood  

Friday, October 05, 2001

Welcome to my home. This will be it for me for a couple of days. Keith and I are heading to Ohio for a weekend away from home. We did discover yesterday that there is a home football game for Ohio State this weekend, which does not look good for traffic, but we are still going. We got the last hotel room in the hotel where we wanted to stay. Good thing I called; we didn't realize it would be so busy. We plan on going to the zoo in Columbus and then doing a little touring of the area. We just wanted to get away for a weekend while he was off weekends.
Currently, we are discussing school memories on the Back Porch and I hope to get there to discuss "cliques" and how they can hurt people. Come and visit.

I won't be able to guest blog much on Shana's blog since I am leaving, but I do have one or more points about Disney. . .and welcome back Shana. . whenever you return.

I did watch Charmed season premiere last night, and I thought it was a good intro into the "new sister".....I need to get that VCR back to work since I do miss alot of Thursday night TV due to being at my Junior Women's club meetings and/or socials. It won't take long once I can convince my husband to get
behind the entertainment center in our bedroom to hook it up. Did you see it yet? I know you tape it. . we can chat about it more when you watch it.

Well, I hope you all have a good weekend. . .see you Sunday. . .
posted by chris on 11:16 AM | go ahead - link me!


Thursday, October 04, 2001

It is already 7:00 pm and I have too much stuff to do to be here. But, here I am. The day was relatively painless. . sunny and 80 for October. I got stuff done, and the underage drinking class I had last night (which was hell) is just a faded memory.
I went for a blood test and now have a huge bruise on my arm. If they can't keep the vein, why do they insist on moving the needle so you feel like you want to scream. It was for my thyroid. . making sure it is the right dose of med. I also managed to make complaints against: YMCA---I cancel my membership and yes, they have that in the system, but the idiot's send me new cards....I have to call and see if they took the money out of my account. We never got reimbursed $300 from the country club for the wedding deposit so I had to call and bitch about that, too. And finally, although we may not ever get anything again, I had to call Schwann's and find out why they stopped coming over a month ago. If there are too much of anything in this world. . . it would be stupid people. (And I don't mean stupid, education. . .I mean lacking in the common sense that God gave them.)
Tonight is the first episode of Charmed. I will be there watching because we can't seem to get the VCR to work in the living room, and the one in the bedroom is not hooked up for the same reason that the air conditioner is still in the window of my office. My husband has a bad memory. We are working on it, but so far, it is still touch and go.

A final touch to today's ramble. Yesterday, I had a huge moment of fear. Keith should have been home by 3:00 pm from work. I called, had to stop by, called again. . no Keith. I call again from DUI, no Keith . . .leave message to call me. No call. No Keith by 5 pm. No call. I have no clue what has happened to him, but I am worried that something happened at work. Well, it did. He called at 6 pm to tell me he JUST got home because there was an acid leak in one of the containers at the steel mill. ***sigh*** Next time, he says, I need to call work and check what has happened.

***final thought***did you know that sometimes when you have caller ID, a state calls you? We regularly get Texas or California across our caller ID when friends and family call. Interesting hm?
posted by chris on 7:12 PM | go ahead - link me!


I did have a few rambles about last night, but I wanted something fun to start the day. So, I followed other's examples and made my own MEMEME survey. Play along and make it fun!!

Your current occupation: Guidance counselor
Do you have any thing you collect (or have alot of): Things with shamrocks on, tiger figures or plates,
candles, and if you haven't already heard this---bath gels and lotions!!
Cotton or silky undies: silky in all cool colors
3 words or phrases that describe you as a FRIEND: sensitive, listener, will always find time for you
musical? what or how: I can read music, play the piano a little, and usually follow notes in singing
which side of the bed to you sleep on when you are standing at the foot?: left or actually the one that
would be closest to the door (I stole this one from another MEMEME, but I thought it was interesting!!)
have you ever had or do you have a nickname: CJ is the closest I have had. . .a few did call me this
piercings. . how many and where: I have 5 in my ears. . .3 in left and 2 in right

OK, your turn

posted by chris on 9:52 AM | go ahead - link me!


Wednesday, October 03, 2001

Wow!! Look at all the cool, fall graphics that are shining on our pages:

Karen and Zu Keeper and Kathy J and Cathy P and Pam over at "To Know me is to Blog me"

And I know there is more. . .I am on a search!!
posted by chris on 1:19 PM | go ahead - link me!


Pet peeve of the morning: school crossing guards who decide that one line of traffic is not as important as the other lines. I sat and waited until every other lane of traffic was gone before I could move today. I know we need them to help the kids cross, but why don't people turn at the lights only ONE BLOCK away from where we get backed up due to crossing guards. (I know this sounds trivial, but I actually got a cramp in my leg from holding the brake.....it was over 3 cycles of red lights that I sat there. . .and the lights are a 3 way intersection, not 2)
posted by chris on 9:03 AM | go ahead - link me!


Tuesday, October 02, 2001

First of all, I had a ramble here earlier but I lost it because the darn computer at work was too slow and I had to leave for my "other" job. . . .which was DUI counseling group tonight and went very well. I think that this group has been my fav in over 3 years and I will really miss them. Plus, in tonight's second to the last group, they seemed to have some insight into their own usage of alcohol.

Second, I see ZuKeeper is back, and is giving us a report of some Las Vegas sites. Check it out. I was actually going to comment on a few that she mentioned, not because I have been there, but because my Mom and her sisters went, and talked about the same few that she mentions. Also, check out the Back Porch for some sharing of school memories. Good and bad, happy and sad, as I said yesterday, they all helped shape who you are today. . or who I am.

Keith and I are traveling this weekend, so I won't be here to spend time with you. We are hoping to hit the zoo in Columbus, OH and maybe do a little exploring around the area. I heard it is supposed to be cooler which is OK, I just don't want any rain.
posted by chris on 9:39 PM | go ahead - link me!


Wouldn't it be nice if all parents. . .of young and old children. . .to the time to say what she said to her daughter about cliques and hurting others. Yeah for you Gina. . .I hope I can say it just as well someday if I have a child.
posted by chris on 1:18 PM | go ahead - link me!


New look today. . .it is just wonderful and all thanks to the blogger fairy who flys around taking care of the important things in life. . .how you look and how you feel!!! Thanks!!
posted by chris on 8:38 AM | go ahead - link me!


Monday, October 01, 2001

Today has been a good day. I do have a fair amount of them, but for some reason, I am smiling more today and feeling better about myself and my life. Maybe its because I like the skirt and top I am wearing, or maybe its because I have comfortable shoes on, or maybe its because its Monday and I have a whole week to make a difference in the lives of others. (I will get back to that comment in a moment)

Keith and I had someone come to give us an estimate on a new furnace/air conditioner.....and it turned out to be about 1000 dollars LESS than we thought it would be!! Its not like we have all that money laying around, but we have been planning for this recently because we had too high of a gas bill, and a very cold upstairs last winter (and hot this summer!!) So, he is happy and although we will most likely have another estimate, I think Keith is happy with this one.

I have a doctor's appointment after work to have him look at skin moles/tags I have on my neck and one near my eye that gets irritated very easily. But I have the evening at home to look forward to.....I do work tomorrow and Wed, but I have had a better mood about that lately too.

I decided I better take time to ramble here since I am guesting on 2 other blogs, and need to discuss "memories of school" on The Back Porch. Which brings me back to my comment about making a difference in other's lives. I did not become a guidance counselor to "change the youth". I didn't do it to have a huge impact on the world we live in for the simple reason that I believe the small effects are greater impacts than the larger ones. I truly believe that each and every contact/interaction/action/comment we have or make will affect us in some way. If someone at the Doctor's office today smiles at me, and we chat for a few moments, I leave there thinking. . ."they are lucky to have that sweet woman working there. . " and maybe tomorrow, I take a minute to pass on that smile. If I am a bitch to someone. . . .it might cause them to displace their anger to someone else making an unhappy situation. Or it might make them a stronger person---realizing that one person cannot make you be something you are not. If I let someone in front of me on 28, I might calm down her franticness and she will be a safer driver with her precious children in the car. I am NOT a fatalist who walks around thinking...."what if" or spending time wondering how my actions or comments affect others, but I do remember, in the quiet part of my brain. . . that each person in my life has somehow shaped who I am today. . .good, bad, positive, miserable. . .any way you look at it, each person left his or her mark on me. I may have changed myself to deal with something, but I may never have done that if I hadn't met. . . .?

And, what is my point you may ask. Just that you think about this today before you smile or frown at some unsuspecting soul. It may not be a huge effect, but it is an effect. And that person you chatted with on the elevator or in the grocery store may have made you take a look at yourself and changed who you are. But, finally, give thanks for those who left their mark, but who also touch your life each and every day through friendship, love, connections, and yes, even negativity.
posted by chris on 12:39 PM | go ahead - link me!


Sunday, September 30, 2001

It was a day for parties.....we went to Casey's second birthday party. . .fun although I can see why you cannot move in Casey's room...spoiled by her "other" grandparents. Then we went to a friends for an "end of summer" picnic. A good time was had by both of us, but it is nice to be home early and curling up to grade tests, blog, watch a little TV (The Practice) and then cuddle as the evening grows colder.

Check out the Back Porch for the newest topic. Banned book week is over, but you still need to support the freedome to read.

And finally, for tonight anyway, sometime songs go through my head after a long day or after reading something and tonight's quote is

"people are strange. . . ." you can forget the when you're a stranger cause all you need to know is people are strange.

posted by chris on 9:56 PM | go ahead - link me!


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