Friday, September 21, 2001Just a thought to some reading I have been doing. Normal is seeing the teen-agers forget to obsess over last week's tragic attack and laugh with each other, dance, and be happy to be alive for just this one day. I KNOW life will not be the same for many, but that doesn't mean that we can't find peace in our day to day lives. And it is OK to be patriotic, and its OK to believe in God, and to have hope because if we were all cynical, nothing would ever change. And I refuse to believe that there are not children, youth, or even babies who won't make a difference.I guess I believe that because I also believe that each and every thing you do makes a difference somewhere to someone. posted by chris on 8:24 PM | go ahead - link me!
Once again I have screwed up the coding for my link to the back porch where we are discussing reading in preparation for Banned Book Week. (I will remember those pesky " next time!!)
And as I log on, I see the blogger fairy has been at work. . .thanks and hugs to you!! Nothing much going on today. We had classes, I gave a test, I wrote and typed 3 rec letters, we had a faculty meeting, we had school pictures, and I actually got to read because I had to cover a class and didn't have any work that would transport from my office to the classroom. I came home around 3, and did a few house things, then settled in to read for a while. Am trying to find something to hold my interest. I am feeling restless these days. I think it will be good for Keith and I to be out doors tomorrow. . .walking and shopping at the Penn's Colony marketplace. It is a craft festival with a theme that is held the last 2 weekends in September and is usually in another place. The colony has a new home so it will be fun to 'splore. But, I did get home in time to see Will win Big Brother 2. . . .I will be you didn't know I watched this show, did you? I swore I wasn't going to get hooked but it just happened about a month into the show. I did not re-arrange my schedule to watch the episodes, but I sure wanted to see the end. And I did. After hearing the closing "thoughts" of the final two though, it shocked the hell out of me that Will beat Nicole. Well, I am off for a bit of blog reading. . .and speaking of reading. . .stop by the go ahead - link me!
Thursday, September 20, 2001Almost the weekend. But tonight I have to chaperone a dance. Sound like fun. . .well, come on over and help. I am sure one of us would give up his or her spot for you. . .posted by chris on 12:55 PM | go ahead - link me!
Wednesday, September 19, 2001I need to be at school for a parent mass and social in about 30 minutes. I could think of better things to do, but it is a "contract appearance" which means that our contract calls for 4 times that our principal can require us to attend something. This is #1. So, I must get re-dressed in "work" clothes instead of my shorts and "are you a good witch or bad witch" t-shirt. Maybe I will be back later. If not, have a good night.posted by chris on 6:00 PM | go ahead - link me!
I recently decided to use my email more to "talk" to friends around the country, and have given my college friends and a few others this web if you pop in....***hello and hugs*** to any of you who have dared to visit me here. However, as I have discovered from the emails I received back, neither of my former college roommates and dear, dear friends were in the USA last Tuesday. One was in Scotland and the other in New Zealand. They have both arrived safely home to their respective cities, but I must say I am relieved I didn't know they were out of the country. I am sure it was a shock to them and a feeling of "I want to go home" crossed each of their minds at some point. All I can say is that I am happy they are safe. I may not talk to them often, but the connection we made in 3 years at ND doesn't go away easily. Hell, they flew cross country and rented cars and followed my directions to get to the hotel over roads that are under construction, so I know we are still friends.(And just as a note, we were friends for 3 years because during freshman year.. . .they were roommates in the basement of Lyons and I was a first floor groupie. We became friends when M. and I lived next door to each other and she had the roommate troubles from hell. And here we are. . .18 years later. . .still friends.
Via Jim I think we all should read the poem he has posted on his page. I didn't want to "steal" so I send you there instead. Go. Read. And hope.
For the past 6 months or so, I have really disliked running the Intervention counseling groups that are part of the DUI process. I enjoy the classes, and even the Underage instruction I do, but the groups have gotten more difficult to handle and approach with a good attitude.
Tuesday, September 18, 2001In the midst of our country's attack last week, I did not get a chance to send my sympathy out to you on the death of your Pop. My thoughts go out to you and your family at this time. (and I think its cool about being paid with an ibook!!)And just a note to you to send thoughts to help bring you comfort. I know what you mean about the numbness and shock.
Monday, September 17, 2001I do not want to obsess over the events of the past week. I do not want to live in a state of denial of what is happening in our country. I want to find middle ground, but it is hard. Life is going on normally, but inside my head I think of my step-daughter and my brother who are waiting to hear when or if they will be sent somewhere else but "home". Another brother is beyond phone contact in NY and while email is nice and quick.....sometimes a voice needs to be heard. And my eyes see the people jumping, the burning, and the anguish as hope is dashed day by day.A city is living in shock. And I try not to obsess, but I still think about it, and feel.....probably too much, but that is me. I guess I do because there are others who do not or will not feel or care. I too want life to be normal, but the question is......what is normal? changes are already made, and our lives are part of that. (and before you look to comment....I don't have a place so you have to email me if you want to comment.)
I really would have sworn that I posted on Saturday, but I guess it was just here. So read that for my weekend thoughts. And its Monday again. Back at school but have the evening free from 2nd job, meetings or parent dinners. And yes, that is what the rest of the week holds for me. Somedays, I just want to go home, put on my jammies and not have to go out again. But, looks like I might have to wait until October or after for that to happen. Busy day with catching up on work I missed last week, and still trying to get organized. Other than that. . . .nothing much to say.
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