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Daily Reads - I make time for each and every one...

Almost every day - unless I'm pressed for time..
Hit these occasionally - but at least once a week...

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

We rode a schoolbus for a 2 hours today (each way) to go to a mandatory Diocesan workshop for all Catholic high school teachers in our diocese. Ugh. I got back at 3 pm and checked out the completed schedule that our asst. principal did, and.....it cannot work because she failed to think about the 2 different math classes for the juniors. Now, I should have made a note on the paper I had to print out for her, but she has done this for 3 years, you would think she would remember. And, if there is a math class listed on there for seniors and sophs, wouldn't you think she should check with me about the juniors. I have no clue what she is going to do about it, but I wash my hands of the it all. I used to help the principal for 4 years....but when j. took it over, she never seemed to want my input. So, do it yourself is my thoughts.

Tomorrow is "clean" day at school which means I will finally get a chance to go through my new books and make sure they are not upside down in the binding. I am tired today because of a serious of stomach cramps throughout the night, so its early to bed.

Thanks to those dear friends who emailed me....I will keep you up to date, and I will keep the appointment. I promise.
posted by chris on 6:14 PM | go ahead - link me!

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

There is a reason to NOT tell folks you work with that you have a blog and where to find it. It is so you can bitch about it freely. And I have quite a few things.

1. I am in charge of schedules...meaning I have the kids fill out a form to choose the one elective they get. I answer questions, AND I write the cards for the kids for the first day of school. Hand write. By hand, by myself. I used to meet with the principal to work on the schedule and then I would do the cards. I would usually be done by mid-august. This year, our assistant principal waited until this week to complete the schedule because we have not had teachers. I understand this problem, but there have been times we have not had them before, and our principal just had to schedule them and then fill the position. Well, since it is not done, the kids cards are not done and will not be until I have entered info into the computer to get a print out so I can do the schedule cards. And when will this occur? Most likely this weekend since kids begin coming MONDAY!!! Needless to say, I am pissed, but our assistant principal seems to think its funny.

2. So, I decide I am not going in to work until Wednesday because I have to work all weekend on these damn cards. But today, the secretary of our principal decides to call me at home. And fool that I am, I return the call which now means I have to act upon what she needed. And that was to satisfy a parent of a non-returning student who waited until this week to do what she needed to do. God, am I dumb. But I have learned. NEVER NEVER return a call to work. And I swear, I won't. If they can't manage without me for one day, God forbid I ever have to take a leave.

So, I am happy to get back to routine and the kids, but my coolness toward certain people will take a while to leave. I don't need to be treated like this. Next year, the schedule is done by end of July or I won't be able to do the cards. I will be mysteriously away for that time.

On a more serious note, I have to get a mammogram in September. Never had one, but I guess it is time to check out a small mass. I am trying to keep it in perspective, so for now, its one step at a time.
posted by chris on 6:41 PM | go ahead - link me!

Sunday, August 19, 2001

It has been a lazy weekend although I did accomplish a few things. Saturday, I managed to write another 22 Thank yous for the wedding and am down to only about 45 more. I had to get a few more wallet size pics made so I quit at 22. That was in the am when Keith was sleeping. We went to see a movie, buy a birthday gift for the school's secretary, and browse through B and N. Of course I bought books, I never go in there without buying any!!!
We saw America's Sweethearts which was OK but it was the matinee so we only paid $5 to see it. Then we went to dinner at Damon's for ribs and barbeque stuff. Got home and Keith left for work. I was going to get online last night to blog, but I was too busy looking for some information on Columbus OH since we are planning a weekend trip there in early October. He is going to be off weekends from end of Sept through Oct so we try to do some fun stuff in that time. We will both be gone later in the month in seperate directions so we want to go early.

Today, I managed to make zucchini bread (which turned out very well I might add, and I am impressed with myself since I never made it before), clean up my office in prep for my computer, and begin to organize some yard sale stuff. Tomorrow I have an appointment at the gyne, so I guess I should get to bed early, but its my last few days of freedom, so I am up late again. Wednesday we have a workshop at another Catholic high school---and we get to ride a bus there so it will be even more fun!! (Can you hear my sarcasm?)

That's it for now. I am sure I have more in my life to comment on, but right now, I want to curl up in my bed and watch a little late night re-runs of ER. Catch you tomorrow.
posted by chris on 11:29 PM | go ahead - link me!

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