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Daily Reads - I make time for each and every one...

Almost every day - unless I'm pressed for time..
Hit these occasionally - but at least once a week...

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Two quick things before I take off for some sun and poolside talk with friends: I tried to catch up a bit last night with Trixie blogs, and although I don't have many comments, its is good to catch up to people all around the world with book interests that made a community. And I do mean world!!!

Second, although I write my blog for me, I also appreciate when others tell me they understand or comment on some thought of mine. About 3 or 4 months ago, I got an email from a person who had been reading "The Other Side of Glen Road" and found the jewelry box of blogs. She read my entry about the debate of having a receving line at the wedding, and felt a need to respond to me. Her advice was to have one since it gives you a chance to see people who 1. don't make it to the reception, or 2. don't try to come and find you at the reception. Well, I have to send out a big THANK YOU to her for the advice. I DID have a receiving line, and it was worth the time and smiles and hugs. I got a chance to see everyone even if I missed them at the reception.

(confession time: I tend to clean out my email box regularly---after responding to messages, and so I deleted your name and address....if you are reading this, email me again. I would like to know you are still out there, and maybe we can exchange more ideas on newlywed life.....)
posted by chris on 11:41 AM | go ahead - link me!

Tuesday, June 26, 2001

I really tried to post yesterday, but could not make a connection at work, and then was out most of the day with Janene. We had a nice lunch, did a bit of shopping---cards mainly for the July avalanche of birthdays I have, and a few little gifts. She has a job interview today....hope it went OK.
I called for Sprint 500 minutes in a $25.00 block of talk yesterday. We have had high phone bills the past couple of months, but its been mostly my Mom who is moving back this way soon. And of course with a wedding to plan, you need to call your Mom.
I am beginning to get pictures sent to me from various folks who took them at the wedding. My mom sent a bunch, and Tracy (Keith's daughter) sent some too. I will have a nice little album to put together when I am done collecting the photos. I hope our photographer has our proofs done this week too. Then I can take them with me to a picnic on Sunday where my Mom will be (its about 2 hours from here----her husband's family has a wedding and picnic in one weekend, so she will be in for that) and I can bring them on my next trip to NY if my friends might like to see them.........

On another note, unrelated to my wedding, I am going to be guest blogging at two sites in the next week or two.....I have links to both, and will try to add a little interest to my posts there.....especially since you said the guest bloggers could discuss....you. *laugh* Now, don't worry. You were so sweet on mine, I could never be anything less than that. The other site is for a friend who is moving, and will be computerless for a while......I too will be gone from July4th-7th, but I figure you can live without me for that long......*laugh again, people*

posted by chris on 10:56 PM | go ahead - link me!

Sunday, June 24, 2001

Quiet, relaxing weekend. We went to a local festival to support the firefighters and see some crafts. Keith worked today and I did laundry, cooked dinner and read. We went for a ride to look at Jeep Cherokees and Libertys. He has the itch to buy a new vehicle---I just don't know if he really will.
I found out Friday that my crystal is no longer being carried by Kaufmann's and possibly May companies, but my Mom and I are on the search to find it. She asked Bill's sister to look in MD and she found it, so I might use some wedding money to complete my set of water, wine and iced beverage glasses. It is not the expensive crystal that costs 25.00 a glass. No way...not for me. But it is nice and simple which is what I wanted.

I found out Janene has a job interview in VA (about 3 hours from here). I do want her to get it and be able to afford to live on her own, but I will miss her desperately. I guess Keith and I need to look into a better long distance soon. Too many phone calls across the country are adding up. J and I can talk about anything, and she is one of the friends who never made me feel as if I needed to change who I was---see post from 6/19/01 to understand this. We are very similar, but also have our differences that we share with each other. Tomorrow we are going to lunch to talk about life, men, jobs, and our latest book---Bridget Jones's Diary. I will miss her, but 3 hours is far.
posted by chris on 8:23 PM | go ahead - link me!

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