Shamrock Songs



Welcome to Shamrock Songs!

The wedding is fast approaching...
Gotta read these each and every day...
Sometimes I
And that's all I have to say...
Useless Knowledge
Just because you can....
And from the depths rise...
Sea Poup
I Really Must Insist You Leave
Hopeless Romantics
Wren's Crazy

Check in when I have time - try to get to each one every day

Feet Touch the Ground
Phantom of Delight 
My Thoughts
Under the Circumstances
Of Mole Queens, Cove Girls, Trixie Friends and Food
Brain Dump 
Guenivere's Castle
Under Control of Tribune Corporate Mind Games
Jixemetri & Other Things
Just Slightly Left of Center
Just Another Humble Opinion
I Will Sing...  
Gleeps! I Wonder... 
A Cheesehead & Her Blog

So Anyway
Di's Dailies
Love is a Batterfiled
In a Mood
Following Eden
Swallowing Tacks
Periwinkle Haze
Just Lisa
Recycled Thoughts

The Back Porch
The Kitchen


Friday, June 01, 2001

When I was in high school, I had a "group" of friends. Six of us who spent the time together living the high school drama. During April of our senior year, things changed. Two of the group decided it was more fun and better to go out every weekend and get drunk. So, we all attended a few parties, but it wasn't fun and I didn't like the people we "partied with". So, I didn't go anymore. It became a split that was never reconciled, and although we have pictures from graduation, and we talked briefly over the summer, we were never as close as we had been. On the other hand, I still hear from or talk to 2 of the 3 "Kathys" occasionally and the 3rd is a very close friend who will be at my wedding. (Yes, there were 6 of us and 3 were named Kathy)
I wish things had ended differently, but the experience taught me alot about friendship. And I see the same thing being repeated now with a few of the girls who graduated. Four of them are friends and 2 are drinking (alot) and even driving drunk, and the other 2 won't join in. So its causing a split and tears. My heart goes out to them cause its tough to have your idea of friendship shattered right after graduation.

I have learned many hard lessons about friendship over the years. Some that might make me re-think my "trust" or belief in friendship. And while I may be more cautious at times, I also have learned that without risk, there may be no smiles.

And finally, a quote from my wedding program: Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. Isn't that true?

posted by chris on 12:51 PM | go ahead - link me!


I won't bore you with telling you how many days. I am sure you can figure it out. But I do have a crisis update (which means I have only 3 left according to Shana...). Last night, I went to the Country Club to check out the arrangements of tables so I could number the ones I had painstakingly (with my Mother's oh so wonderful help) designed. I needed 23 tables, only 2 of which (maybe 3) would seat 10. Well....that meant I needed 20 at least tables of 8. Surprise, they only have 18 tables of 8...which meant I had to re-do my seating chart. Surprisingly, this crisis was easy to handle since I had a few tables of 8 that could be dismantled. With a minimum amount of shifting, I now have 22 tables....18-8s, and 5-10s. Crisis solved and dismantled. (of course, I did stay up too late because you know it HAD to be done last night---yes, I am being sarcastic....) There are times when I wonder why I cannot just let things go until I have more time. Guess its some sort of compulsive thing I have in me.

Going out to dinner tonight with Keith and tomorrow night with the bridesmaids. We are have a "bachelorette dinner" and then going to a few bars for drinks. No wild behaviors will be seen (I hope anyway....)Keith and I need to pick up a few things at some stores and he wants to go to Applebee's for dinner so I think that this rainy evening will be a nice break.

And speaking of Keith, why is it that when I spend the time figuring something out, he just does what he wants and then can't understand why I am frustrated. I am getting paid the day we leave for our honeymoon, and nothing comes out of this check. So I am going to pay a few utility bills that Keith usually pays (until we have one checking account). Well, yesterday, he wrote the checks even though I told him we needed money for the priest, organist and singers. And he says, take it out of yours. Well, I can't because while I can write the checks a day or two in advance (mailing time), I cannot take cash out if its not there. ***sigh*** Finally, I get him to understand what I mean, but its after he gets pissy about me questioning what he did. I will be happy when we can combine the checking and take care of it all together.

So, back to work. Have a happy day.

posted by chris on 9:23 AM | go ahead - link me!


Thursday, May 31, 2001

In case you think my finger got stuck. No, its just that we are now in single digits as we count down the days to the wedding. And I remember when we hit single digits for WEEKS!! Things are shaping up nicely. I think I got most of the program done last night after I attended the graduation dinner. I need to have Keith look it over tonight to see if he has anything to add or delete.
I have errands to run all night. I want to check out the country club for seating, and get a menu from the restaurant where we are having the bridesmaid lunch. Then, its on to my Dad's to pick up a few things I keep forgetting. I also hope to contact the DJ either tonight or this weekend to double check on things with that. It is coming together, and while I don't think I am nervous, I have managed to upset 2 bottles of water while at work, can't keep my thoughts focused and am losing sleep over minor details like my appointments next week.
I am not working on Thursday or Friday, and was going to come in the morning of the 6th but since we are having a meeting on Wednesday afternoon, I think I will come in then and use the am to get organized. (Although, if its not done by then, I wonder if it will get done....)

OK, have to go for now. More later I hope.

posted by chris on 10:29 AM | go ahead - link me!


Wednesday, May 30, 2001

We are now at 10 days and counting. I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks, the wedding will be over and we will be enjoying our time in Cancun. Now if I could just get through the next few days at work. I feel like the more I get done, the more the other teachers want. This (at 2:15 pm) is the first chance I have had to check my email and comment on my day. But, on the positive side, I got all of the class of 2001 transcripts typed and will be mailing them out tomorrow. I also have managed to get most of the schedule sheets returned to me although I see I will be hunting down about 10 kids per grade to get theirs.

I did some more work on the program last night, and it should be done by Friday so I can take it to the copy place and get my copies made. I only need to add a few things for the music and double check the directions to the reception. I want to put them on the last page of the program so we won't have to worry about people getting lost. I am going to pay for the cookies today after school/work and before 'other job' After the group tonight I have to attend a dinner/award ceremony to present a scholarship award to an 8th grader.

Garth Brooks has been playing in my head all day today...."I would have missed the dance" which speaks to my heart most days because you might miss a chance to dance depending on your choice. And dancing frees the soul....come on some music and dance...take a break from reading and dance!!!

Karen.....a VAMPIRE TOUR...I am soooo jealous. (Since I can't link....she is in New Orleans and her blog is found at She is doing a Vampire tour on Thursday and I am so fascinated by vampires that I am dragging Keith there someday to do that....let me know how it is, Karen....

Well, school is out, and I need to get money, grab some late lunch before group and run a group with a bunch of miserable, crabby people. Granted, I know they would prefer NOT to be there, but I don't see the need for being as miserable as they are.....oh well. Only 3 more sessions with them after tonight.

Have a good evening world....and remember to dance!!

posted by chris on 2:26 PM | go ahead - link me!


Monday, May 28, 2001

I am feeling rather blahish today. I did manage to buy a few groceries, make a salad for my aunt's picnic, and even continue to organize my closets and office. Yesterday we did buy a swing and 2 person glider for the front porch. We accomplished something, had a new recipe for dinner and did a bit of cleaning too. And still I feel like I need a shot of energy.....or maybe just a good CD playing loud and obnoxiously (s that a word) in my house.

I also managed to look at flights for trips coming up, and have one for one of them. Knowing that the next 3 weeks are going to be wild, I wanted to make sure I took care of some things for summer fun. Did some major blog surfing last night and found new ones to add to my links....keep watching for them as summer increases my time to play online.

For now though, I think I am going to find my ABBA CD and dance to "dancing queen" to join me?
posted by chris on 3:13 PM | go ahead - link me!


Sunday, May 27, 2001

And I was doing so good at keeping my track of my thoughts these days. Well, graduation went off very well Friday night. There were no incidents to speak of, and I got to read the names of the graduates for the first time in 8 years. Usually, the other senior homeroom teacher does it, but she "let me" this year. I came home Friday night and had a nice chat with a friend.

Saturday was going to be "run" day since we want to get porch furniture and need a few things for fixing up the house, but we decided to drive to the Arts and Craft show. I don't always buy stuff there, somedays I like to get ideas for what I can do instead of letting others do it. But we did buy some soup mixes, dips, and pasta sauces....for us, and for birthday gifts for my siblings and wives. So a few of my summer birthdays are taken care of.

It was a beautiful day....not too hot but sunny for the most part. Keith has this thing about weather---watching and reporting to me. So when he was wrong about the rain we were to get---we had a good chuckle. He watches 10 forcasts and then Iaugh when its wrong. After dinner, we went to Barnes and Noble because I agree with you that although its fund to shop online and browse through Amazon, sometimes you need to be there. I got a few sale books and I picked up a few for our trip because even though its a honeymoon, I need a book for the poolside daily!!! One is Bridget Jones' Diary, Beth Gutcheon's newest (which is in paperback so its not THAT new) and another one which is escaping me.

Today, Dad is taking us to breakfast and then we are off to run our errands. Dinner is by crockpot today, and I hope to post the recipe to The Kitchen.....see the link over there (pointing to the left) sometime this holiday weekend so check it out.

And finally, it is now less than 2 weeks to the wedding. I hope I don't have 4 more crises, but if I do, I still know I will make it through.

Ciao for now....more later.
posted by chris on 8:40 AM | go ahead - link me!


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