Shamrock Songs

Singing and dancing through life with a Notre Dame grad, high school counselor, and a June bride-to-be

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Trixie Folks...
Sometimes I...
Digital Asylum

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Thursday, March 29, 2001

Did you ever notice that you end up taking a almost as much "stuff" on a weekend trip as you do when it is for a week. I am taking a medium suitcase to my Mom's because I am hoping to do a little shopping...and find some wedding shoes when I am there. But you still have to take the hair stuff....the curling iron, the shoes etc. I envy those people who can just grab a bag and go....with the minimum amount in there. Can you do it? If so, let me know how. And I don't consider myself as high-maintainence as some people I know.

Keith and I are going to see The Sound of Music tonight. Usually I go with a friend but she can't make it tonight and I am leaving tomorrow. Hope he enjoys it. I don't think theater is one of the things he would consider a hobby.

posted by chris on 8:34 AM | go ahead - link me!

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

I hate when I cannot find something I saw only days ago. Losing things has always been a pet peeve of mine. I rarely lose things so when I do, I search and search and search. And I hate that I can't find it.
posted by chris on 10:00 AM | go ahead - link me!

Although still not feeling 100 percent, I do have an amazing amount of bounce this morning. No voice really, but lots of bounce. Thanks to all for the get well and feel better wishes.

posted by chris on 8:06 AM | go ahead - link me!

Yeah. Its the middle of the week, and I am leaving Friday for a visit to mom so it is a short week. Trying to do some catch up on bloggy reading. My computer was being winky and as soon as I would link to a site, it would freeze. I think its fine now though.

Karen---good luck on the job interview. And you sound like me---getting involved in the activities of the school right from the start. Keep us up-to-date on what is going on.

Misty, I hope the darkness will lead way to sunshine. You are in my thoughts.

Heather---back to work again.....wouldn't it be nice to have 3 day weeks all the time. And I know what you mean about books and more books. I have 12 boxes or crates packed already and still need about 3 or 4 more boxes. Keith seems to think my 6 bookshelves won't be enough.

Sandra and Kyrie---glad to see you back blogging. Janette---welcome....and for those who are hinting about joining....just do it.

posted by chris on 8:02 AM | go ahead - link me!

Tuesday, March 27, 2001

DUI group had their 6th session today---final one. Next week a whole new group comes in to try my patience. I did get a few nice comments from the group. Basically saying that I was the best thing about being in group. Which makes me feel like continuing to do this job. Somedays it just takes all I have to be there for the kids, the faculty, my clients, and friends, and Keith. But, little things like being told "....learned alot from her cause she listened and took the time" make me realize that I can make a difference. Let's face it, DUI clients do not make a choice to be there, they have to be. That doesn't always make for the best atmosphere.
posted by chris on 8:32 PM | go ahead - link me!

I think there is a sign on the front of my car......and it says "please pull out in front of me and slow down". Why do I think this? Because not once, not twice, not three times, but 6 times in my 30 minutes of driving all day today, I had some stupid person wait until I was almost to the intersection or exit of a parking lot, and then, he or she would pull out. WHY?? So that I can have a bit of road rage to add to my already frustrating day. I try to be calm in the car, but sometimes I just wonder what makes drivers do what they do. Brains must be in short supply.
posted by chris on 8:27 PM | go ahead - link me!

This cold is wiping me out. But I think I can make it through. I just don't believe I can think clear enough right now to carry on a conversation with myself....which is what this blog has been about at times. But you know, it also will be a good way to discover how much stress I had with this wedding. (Next year when all is calm). Tonight is a shorter night at work, so I hope to be back then.

posted by chris on 12:57 PM | go ahead - link me!

Monday, March 26, 2001

I am tired and sick. I need to sleep but I wanted to post a quick blog. Yesterday the spaghetti dinner fundraiser went very well. We should clear over about 1300 for the food bank/our treasury. I was tired, and took a long, hot bath. Then the sore throat and stuffed nose began. And it lasted all night. So much so that I called our asst. principal at 6:15 and said I just cannot go to the inservice and last the week. Now, before you wonder how I could miss an inservice, you must know that I have heard this man speak 3 times on the same topic. I think I could miss it. And then I can be at school Tuesday-Thursday for the kids. Friday I am off to my Mom's for a visit.

Not much else to comment on except that I have a wonderful fiance who took care of me all day. (Although he does wonder about how I can talk on the phone for over an hour---I guess he just needs some time to learn that one.) And I have some kickass friends. More on life later---like tomorrow when I am awake!
posted by chris on 10:08 PM | go ahead - link me!

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