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Shamrock Songs

Singing and dancing through life with a Notre Dame grad, high school counselor, and a June bride-to-be;

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Trixie Friend's Blogs


Monday, February 19, 2001

(i don't have a link here because i cannot find her site address right this minute, so just click on the side)
Heather's blog has a song quote from Harry Chapin's "Circle" which is a beautiful song if you've never heard it.....the line that speaks the most to me is "no clear cut beginnings, and so far no dead-ends". as i was telling heather, our kids sang this song before curtain for 14 shows of "cotton patch gospel" which is amazing music written by harry....the story of jesus born in the deep south to poor farmers. music is a part of my soul on most days, and i miss the times when i would make myself tapes to listen to those songs that could put in my a kick-ass mood or a sappy, sentimental one.

however, lately i have been feeling that again, so my blog may begin to have song lines and quotes that help me make it through the day. my friend, janene, made me a tape about two years ago that just helped me through some rough times, and "circle" was one of the songs.....the other one was allison kraus singing, "when you say nothing at all"....another song that makes me feel warm inside.

more later.
posted by chris on 6:17 PM | go ahead - link me!


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